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Paul Orban

Paul is an owner and the higher education market leader at BHDP.  For the past 60 years, BHDP’s comprehensive suite of higher education services have advanced the mission at hundreds of postsecondary institutions. Its team of strategists, architects, designers, and higher education specialists are relied upon by postsecondary leaders across all institutional types. BHDP’s expertise in the planning and design of academic and student facilities, teaching and research laboratories, and administration and student support spaces is founded upon its knowledge of the business of higher education and a passion for improving student and faculty experiences.



  • Campus Planning for the Twenty-First Century Marketplace:  Sustaining, Enhancing, and Developing Academic Programs and Facilities in response to Market Demand.

  • Strategic Campus Design Considerations for Restructuring, Turnaround, and Merger and Affiliation Planning.

  • Presidential Options and Considerations for Addressing Essential Building Priorities and Deferred Maintenance with Limited Capital Resources.

  • “Body” Image:  How a Strategic Effort to integrate Institutional Design, Branding, and Marketing can achieve Institutional Objectives.

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