Expertise. Intuition. Ingenuity.
The Offering
The Board Education Series offers university presidents and their boards exceptional thought leadership by providing content to improve the competencies of senior leaders and trustees on essential issues tailored to their institution’s unique circumstances. This education series is offered at no cost to assist and strengthen institutional leaders as they seek to achieve economic equilibrium, market differentiation, and institutional prosperity. Our affiliate partners are the market leaders and industry experts in their respective content areas.
The Content
The Board Education Series offers institutional leaders a variety of experts who can provide thought leadership on a range of subject matters tailored to the specific needs of your institution. Our partners are mindful of the unique, disruptive, and challenging realities that exist across the postsecondary landscape.
Our goal is to provide you focused thought leadership that addresses your unique institutional needs so as senior leaders and trustees you are poised to make informed, strategic decisions to advance the institutional mission for the long-term. Our team of subject matter experts are offering their services pro-bono and have agreed to a structure, format and set of guiding principles so that this offering is targeted, compelling, constructive, and value-added. Imagine a tailored mini-retreat or educational series customized for your board that speaks wisdom into your most pressing and substantive institutional issues. That is precisely what this is.
Choose from a variety of experts who can provide subject-matter expertise on a wide range of topics, including; Enrollment, Philanthropy, Academic Program Prioritization, Capital Restructuring, Institutional Turnaround, Campus Master Planning, Mergers and Private Affiliations, Board Development, Intercollegiate Athletics Planning, Disruption and Innovation, University Risk Management, Institutional Finance, among other topics.
The Format
We understand the difficulty institutional leaders have as they seek to lead and educate their boards. Finding the right time, let alone the subject matter expertise, can be a daunting task atop a list of multiple and endless matters that are vying for your time. The Board Education Series is designed to meet your needs in the format most constructive for you and your trustees. Our team will conduct a needs assessment with the designated institutional leaders (i.e. President, Board Chair, CFO, etc.) to understand the issues and identify designated subject matters. Once identified, a format will be agreed upon and subject matter experts will be scheduled. These subject matter experts will follow-up with designated institutional personnel to plan accordingly.
We offer the following formats:
Option 1
½ Day Senior Leaders/Board Retreat
The ½ Day Board Retreat offers you a unique opportunity to select up to four subject matter experts who can provide valuable content and lead a structured discussion on key issues that matter to your board. Each presenter will offer approximately 40 minutes of content followed by 20-40 minutes of informal discussion and Q&A. This offering allows a board to have an immersion experience where they can cast vision and design strategy on essential matters.
Option 2
Educational Lunch Series
We understand that senior leaders and executive committees often desire opportunities to educate their board but cannot seem to find the time. Despite a deep desire to do so, senior leaders find themselves in a “firefighting” posture leaving little, if any time to proactively educate the board.
The Educational Lunch Series provides you an easy way to offer a sustained enrichment opportunity for your board. You will have an opportunity to identify the subject matters and commensurate experts who will present and lead discussion during each lunch hour of your board meetings throughout the year. In so doing, boards who meet quarterly will be edified and engaged on four essential topics facing your institution.
Option 3
Board Sub-Committee or Cabinet Meeting Presenter
Often, presidents and their cabinets or board sub-committees are surgically focused on a particular pressing issue requiring expedited advice and improved competencies to make a near term decision. Our subject matter experts are an ideal provider of such content to better educate and inform decision-makers.